Does Scenario 2 imply some kind of spooky action at a distance? How is information from Rob-z transmitted to the homonculus over large distances? Are there 2 homoncului now that communicate what they see to each other?
Doesn’t scenario 2 imply Rob-x has actually functionally died? Which would make this the scenario where you don’t care about what happens to Rob-z and y because Rob-x now experiences oblivion?
Does Scenario 2 imply some kind of spooky action at a distance? How is information from Rob-z transmitted to the homonculus over large distances? Are there 2 homoncului now that communicate what they see to each other?Doesn’t scenario 2 imply Rob-x has actually functionally died? Which would make this the scenario where you don’t care about what happens to Rob-z and y because Rob-x now experiences oblivion?