LW trains you how to evaluate new ideas, but not how to generate them. Most existing advice about getting new ideas, thinking outside the box etc., is pure woo, but many people have found that injecting some randomness into the process often helps. When I’m trying to solve some complicated problem, I often have this tantalizing feeling that the idea I need is floating somewhere nearby, but I’m not crazy enough to catch it. Would be nice if LW invented a solution for that!
LW trains you how to evaluate new ideas, but not how to generate them. Most existing advice about getting new ideas, thinking outside the box etc., is pure woo, but many people have found that injecting some randomness into the process often helps. When I’m trying to solve some complicated problem, I often have this tantalizing feeling that the idea I need is floating somewhere nearby, but I’m not crazy enough to catch it. Would be nice if LW invented a solution for that!