If you believe that thousands of people die unnecessarily every single day then of course you think cryonics is a moral issue.
If people in the future come to believe that we should have know that cryonics would probably work then they might well conclude that our failure to at least offer cryonics to terminally ill children was (and yes I know what I’m about to write sounds extreme and will be off-putting to many) Nazi-level evil.
I’ve thought carefully about this matter and believe that there’s good reason to doubt your prediction. I will detail my thoughts on this matter in a later top level post.
If you believe that thousands of people die unnecessarily every single day then of course you think cryonics is a moral issue.
If people in the future come to believe that we should have know that cryonics would probably work then they might well conclude that our failure to at least offer cryonics to terminally ill children was (and yes I know what I’m about to write sounds extreme and will be off-putting to many) Nazi-level evil.
I’ve thought carefully about this matter and believe that there’s good reason to doubt your prediction. I will detail my thoughts on this matter in a later top level post.
I would like the opportunity to make timely comments on such a post, but I will be traveling until Aug 27th and so request you don’t post before then.
Sure, sounds good.