I do not find your comment in any way helpful. It does not even inform me of which of my statements you disagree with, much less why. It is mere rudeness.
I further observe that the very subject is about silliness. That is, it doesn’t matter how correct Eliezer is, if he looks silly people will find reasons to disrespect him and his cause. Eliezer describes the phenomenon in terms of clown suits vs lab coats.
I do not find your comment in any way helpful. It does not even inform me of which of my statements you disagree with, much less why. It is mere rudeness.
I further observe that the very subject is about silliness. That is, it doesn’t matter how correct Eliezer is, if he looks silly people will find reasons to disrespect him and his cause. Eliezer describes the phenomenon in terms of clown suits vs lab coats.