utterly false, wrote my first one at age 5 or 6, in BASIC on a ZX-81 with 4K of RAM
The fact that a lot of these reactions are based on false info is worth noting. It doesn’t defeat any arguments directly, but it says that the naive model where everything happens because of the direct perception of actions I directly control is false.
utterly false, wrote my first one at age 5 or 6, in BASIC on a ZX-81 with 4K of RAM
The fact that a lot of these reactions are based on false info is worth noting. It doesn’t defeat any arguments directly, but it says that the naive model where everything happens because of the direct perception of actions I directly control is false.
That sounds like a pretty rare device! Most ZX81 models had either 1K or 16K of RAM. 32 KB and 64 KB expansion packs were eventually released too.
Sent you a PM on who said that.