I’m not really interested in the Singularity, existential risks, cognitive biases, cryonics, un/Friendly AI, quantum physics or even decision theory. But I do like the quality of discussions here sometimes, and the mathematical interests of LW overlap a little with mine: people around here enjoy game theory and computability theory, though sadly not nearly as much as I do.
Same for me. My interests are more similar to your interests than to classic LW themes. There are probably many others here in the same situation. But I hope that the list of classic LW themes is not set in stone. I think people like us should try to broaden the spectrum of LW. If this attempt fails, please send me the address of the new place where you hang out online. :) But I am optimistic.
Same for me. My interests are more similar to your interests than to classic LW themes. There are probably many others here in the same situation. But I hope that the list of classic LW themes is not set in stone. I think people like us should try to broaden the spectrum of LW. If this attempt fails, please send me the address of the new place where you hang out online. :) But I am optimistic.