DNDV (did not down vote). Sure signalling has a lot to do with it, the type of signalling he suggests doesn’t ring true with what I have see of most peoples behaviour. We do not seem to be great proselytisers most of the time.
The ancient circuits that x-risk triggers in me are those of feeling important, of being a player in the tribes future with the benefits that that entails. Of course I won’t get the women if I eventually help save humanity, but my circuits that trigger on “important issues” don’t seem to know that. In short by trying to deal with important issues I am trying to signal a raised status.
DNDV (did not down vote). Sure signalling has a lot to do with it, the type of signalling he suggests doesn’t ring true with what I have see of most peoples behaviour. We do not seem to be great proselytisers most of the time.
The ancient circuits that x-risk triggers in me are those of feeling important, of being a player in the tribes future with the benefits that that entails. Of course I won’t get the women if I eventually help save humanity, but my circuits that trigger on “important issues” don’t seem to know that. In short by trying to deal with important issues I am trying to signal a raised status.
Ok, so people don’t like the implication of either the evo-psych argument, or the signaling argument. They both seem plausible, if speculative.