The topic was the banned topic and the deleted posts—not the laugh test. If you explained what happened to an outsider—they would have a hard time believing the story—since the explanation sounds so totally crazy and ridiculous.
I’ll try to test that, but keep in mind that my standards for “fully understanding” something are pretty high. I would have to explain FAI theory, AI-FOOM, CEV, what SIAI was, etc.
The context asked ‘what kind of things a typical smart person would find uncredible’. This is a perfect example of such a thing.
A typical smart person would find the laugh test credible? We must have different definitions of “smart.”
The topic was the banned topic and the deleted posts—not the laugh test. If you explained what happened to an outsider—they would have a hard time believing the story—since the explanation sounds so totally crazy and ridiculous.
I’ll try to test that, but keep in mind that my standards for “fully understanding” something are pretty high. I would have to explain FAI theory, AI-FOOM, CEV, what SIAI was, etc.
(Voted you back up to 0 here.)
I think you are right about the laugh test itself.