For every person saying “religion gave me a hangup about sex” there will be another who says “religion led to me marrying younger” or “religion led me to have more kids in marriage”. The right question is whether religion leads to more anti-reproduction attitude on average, but I can’t see how that can be true when religious people have higher fertility.
This doesn’t seem to engage with the content of the post at all, or with my multiple corrections to your implausible misunderstandings, so I think this is a motivated pattern of misunderstanding and I’m done with your comments on this post.
For every person saying “religion gave me a hangup about sex” there will be another who says “religion led to me marrying younger” or “religion led me to have more kids in marriage”. The right question is whether religion leads to more anti-reproduction attitude on average, but I can’t see how that can be true when religious people have higher fertility.
This doesn’t seem to engage with the content of the post at all, or with my multiple corrections to your implausible misunderstandings, so I think this is a motivated pattern of misunderstanding and I’m done with your comments on this post.