Anything worth doing is intrisically rewarding and called work.
You will always benefit from work in someway. Waiting for explicit extrenal incentives to do stuff is misguided. This is the message of “Work is it’s own reward” or “Work rewards its doer”. For example sometimes started to play with Blender because of learning complicates software and UI is fun. Then alter I found I had proficiency in 3D modelling and could work in the capacity of a game art employee with no additional “concession” to do work. When I was learnignthe software I thoguth I was wasting my time. When I was just happy to have the skills already learned I realised thast I would have started way later and it would have been way more painful if I postponed aquring those skills until I knew I needed them. Thus doing work tht you can do is like pciking an apple that is within reach.
people have motives for their actions and everybody does good things in their opinion
“Some people just want to watch the world burn” is an overused explanation. There can be legit reasons to object or resist the attempts of other people. it can be tempting to imagine how much more a situation would be to your liking if just one persons wouldn’t do a thing they do or a detail were otherwise. However once you have identified that you are opposed to a detail of the world using addiotional emotinal energy is often counterproductive. It can seem emotionally categting to biuld enemy images. However control comes from understanding which is hard without appriciation. If you are going to truly affect another person you need to do it in their terms and not yours.
Sincerity is powerful
It is worthwhile ot form a accurate unfalttering image of yourself instead of a inaccurate flatteging image. If you separate what you believe or handle form what really affects the situation anything you accomplish by believing/handling will have no (claimed) effect on reality. Being honest about being unsure or undecided is hard. Framing yourself as a ethically questionable agent or inconsistent believer can feel like losing. However it is quite easy to see that doing the opposite doesn’t lead to winning. If you have legitimate reasons to believe unflattering things about yourself you have a legimate reason to refrain from beliveving the flattering thing. Sincerity isn’t strickly be all, win all. If you are in a ambigious situation being an optimistic will nudge you to work into that direction. However in order to be in this boundary condition you need to have no legimate reason one way or the other. Pretending to be clueless might seem tempting but is insincere. Thus you should only allow yourself to be hero of your life only to the point that it is neccesary for you to keep waking up from the bed
This in reverse means that sincerety is to be suspended if it leads into illegimate action or inaction. If believing that the universe is less agenty than a a omnipotent active protector leads you to regard the universe as cold-blooded killer that is out to get you and emo-slit your wrists, the known inappropriateness of failure to contain blood within your body is a elgimate basis to require more stringent standards of argumentation than idle academic curiosity. A person whos beliefs are actually entangled with their actions and life in way more twisted way than a pure objective reading of english sentences would suggest places a special semantic to any line of argument. The situation is almost never in accepting a fact in place ofa silly unbased opinoion, but rather replacnig a very silly opinion with a less silly opnion. You are still responcible with and to the introduced sillyness.
Anything worth doing is intrisically rewarding and called work.
You will always benefit from work in someway. Waiting for explicit extrenal incentives to do stuff is misguided. This is the message of “Work is it’s own reward” or “Work rewards its doer”. For example sometimes started to play with Blender because of learning complicates software and UI is fun. Then alter I found I had proficiency in 3D modelling and could work in the capacity of a game art employee with no additional “concession” to do work. When I was learnignthe software I thoguth I was wasting my time. When I was just happy to have the skills already learned I realised thast I would have started way later and it would have been way more painful if I postponed aquring those skills until I knew I needed them. Thus doing work tht you can do is like pciking an apple that is within reach.
people have motives for their actions and everybody does good things in their opinion
“Some people just want to watch the world burn” is an overused explanation. There can be legit reasons to object or resist the attempts of other people. it can be tempting to imagine how much more a situation would be to your liking if just one persons wouldn’t do a thing they do or a detail were otherwise. However once you have identified that you are opposed to a detail of the world using addiotional emotinal energy is often counterproductive. It can seem emotionally categting to biuld enemy images. However control comes from understanding which is hard without appriciation. If you are going to truly affect another person you need to do it in their terms and not yours.
Sincerity is powerful It is worthwhile ot form a accurate unfalttering image of yourself instead of a inaccurate flatteging image. If you separate what you believe or handle form what really affects the situation anything you accomplish by believing/handling will have no (claimed) effect on reality. Being honest about being unsure or undecided is hard. Framing yourself as a ethically questionable agent or inconsistent believer can feel like losing. However it is quite easy to see that doing the opposite doesn’t lead to winning. If you have legitimate reasons to believe unflattering things about yourself you have a legimate reason to refrain from beliveving the flattering thing. Sincerity isn’t strickly be all, win all. If you are in a ambigious situation being an optimistic will nudge you to work into that direction. However in order to be in this boundary condition you need to have no legimate reason one way or the other. Pretending to be clueless might seem tempting but is insincere. Thus you should only allow yourself to be hero of your life only to the point that it is neccesary for you to keep waking up from the bed
This in reverse means that sincerety is to be suspended if it leads into illegimate action or inaction. If believing that the universe is less agenty than a a omnipotent active protector leads you to regard the universe as cold-blooded killer that is out to get you and emo-slit your wrists, the known inappropriateness of failure to contain blood within your body is a elgimate basis to require more stringent standards of argumentation than idle academic curiosity. A person whos beliefs are actually entangled with their actions and life in way more twisted way than a pure objective reading of english sentences would suggest places a special semantic to any line of argument. The situation is almost never in accepting a fact in place ofa silly unbased opinoion, but rather replacnig a very silly opinion with a less silly opnion. You are still responcible with and to the introduced sillyness.