Question: do the rest of you actually find the choice of 1A clearly intuitive?
I think my intuition for examples like this has been safely killed off, so my replacement intuition instead says: “hm, clearly 34*(27-24) > 27, so 1B!” (without actually evaluating 27-24, just noting it’s ≥1). Which mainly suggests that I’ve grown accustomed to calculating expectations out explicitly where they’re obvious, not that I’m necessarily good at avoiding real life analogues of the problem.
Question: do the rest of you actually find the choice of 1A clearly intuitive?
I think my intuition for examples like this has been safely killed off, so my replacement intuition instead says: “hm, clearly 34*(27-24) > 27, so 1B!” (without actually evaluating 27-24, just noting it’s ≥1). Which mainly suggests that I’ve grown accustomed to calculating expectations out explicitly where they’re obvious, not that I’m necessarily good at avoiding real life analogues of the problem.
I chose 1B. I seem to be an outlier in that I chose 1B and 2B and did no arithmetic.
Me too! We’re just two greedy people!:)