Does yEd have the ability to:
(1) treat nodes as having “states” with a default prior probability and then
(2) treat directional node-to-node links as “relevant to reasoning about the states” and then
(3) put in some kind of numbers or formulas inspired by Bayes Rule for each link and then
(4) later edit the graph on the fly (with “do()” or “observe()” basically) to clamp some nodes to definite states and then
(5) show all the new state probabilities across all other nodes in the graph?
Ooh that’s more intense that I realised. There might be plugins for yEd, but I don’t know em. Maybe Tetrad?
Does yEd have the ability to:
(1) treat nodes as having “states” with a default prior probability and then
(2) treat directional node-to-node links as “relevant to reasoning about the states” and then
(3) put in some kind of numbers or formulas inspired by Bayes Rule for each link and then
(4) later edit the graph on the fly (with “do()” or “observe()” basically) to clamp some nodes to definite states and then
(5) show all the new state probabilities across all other nodes in the graph?
Ooh that’s more intense that I realised. There might be plugins for yEd, but I don’t know em. Maybe Tetrad?