I helped make it grow, but am no longer active there.
In case you don’t know the StackExchange System: Its a Q and A format. You ask e.G. “Need a cartographing tool that supports non-spherical objects” and specify what you want it to do, how much it may cost, etc. and people who happen to know will answer it. It is acceptable and welcomed to provide BOTH question AND answer.
It is also a nice place to find questions you know the answer to and supply them.
Meta-Comment: There is a whole site dedicated to this problem: https://softwarerecs.stackexchange.com/
I helped make it grow, but am no longer active there.
In case you don’t know the StackExchange System: Its a Q and A format. You ask e.G. “Need a cartographing tool that supports non-spherical objects” and specify what you want it to do, how much it may cost, etc. and people who happen to know will answer it. It is acceptable and welcomed to provide BOTH question AND answer.
It is also a nice place to find questions you know the answer to and supply them.