I really liked the linked paper, thanks for posting the link.
No problem! I was excited to see it, since I fanboy over that lab.
A good paper!
I’m curious how you found the paper. I asked myself how I would find such a paper (rather than just stumbling on it here). I first checked Tenenbaum’s homepage, but it’s out of date. Then I checked the CBMM publications page and found it.
Another interesting paper from that page: “Foveation-based Mechanisms Alleviate Adversarial Examples”
Honestly? I browse /r/MachineLearning pretty regularly, and someone there tends to eventually post Tenenbaum-lab papers.
I really liked the linked paper, thanks for posting the link.
No problem! I was excited to see it, since I fanboy over that lab.
A good paper!
I’m curious how you found the paper. I asked myself how I would find such a paper (rather than just stumbling on it here). I first checked Tenenbaum’s homepage, but it’s out of date. Then I checked the CBMM publications page and found it.
Another interesting paper from that page: “Foveation-based Mechanisms Alleviate Adversarial Examples”
Honestly? I browse /r/MachineLearning pretty regularly, and someone there tends to eventually post Tenenbaum-lab papers.