Want to tell the future? Ask an PhD, unemployed, media-experienced, female, high-self-rated-relevance-of-expertise, right wing, realist, optimist, cognitively-foxy, extremist with integratively complex thought protocols, according to the evidence in Tetlock’s Expert Political Judgement book exerpts tables for: ‘individual difference predictors of calibration of subjective probability forecasts, and variable loadings in rotated factor matrix from maximum likelihood factors analysis (quartimin rototation) of belief systems item’ >wtf does that mean?<
Finally tried some of those invitations: ‘Would you like to kiss me’ got a diplomatic response, which I followed up by stating: I would like to kiss you, to which she said: ‘then do it’, and we did. I have yet to try the permission soliciting way: May/can I kiss you, or the command way: Kiss me or ‘I’m going to kiss you’. I can’t use the same girl twice because it’s about initiatory kisses, a behavioural experiment about rejection :)
Blah, remember that non-effectiveness oriented grant opportunity I mentioned a while ago? Looks like they cap grants at 10k, which isn’t much to work with. Not worth it, just like that superficially attractive funding they give to student groups that are ridiculously easy to start...
What if anything (other than self-limitation) is stopping prison chaplains acting as message mules from organised crime prisoners to their network and subordinates outside of prison? Prison chaplains are frequently volunteers so they could get money that way.
Inspired by this and reports about gender dysphoria, Is there a evidence-based case for plastic surgery as a mental health intervention (irrespective of whether gender dyphoria relevant, or even just general psychological wellbeing)?
Chaplains humanize the dehumanized. I’m motivated for chaplaincy by dehumanizing experiences as a child. I think chaplaincy for children, outside of their immediate family, or structured, brief, formal places like schools which they may be too unempowered to navigate to their school’s chaplain themselves, are the next step in chaplaincy. However, there’s an inherent tension between that utility, and the tendency for clergy to abuse, thereby dehumanising children themselves!
On the Gumtree site, at least in Melbourne, many properties have rentals available for far below market price (usually $0) for single females. The ulterior motives are obvious. However, by law, tenants are forbidden from denying their tenants or subtenants their own sub-tenants, but they must be notified in advance. So, a very lucrative option for single females could be to lease these undervalued properties under contract, then sublet lawfully (without sex discrimination...) for a tidy profit. They don’t even have to stick around the creep original lessor.
The night before last night I watched netflix with cute girl on her bed but I don’t even know how I was meant to go from there to ‘netflix and chill’ :( But then last night we hung out then she put her arm around me in a friendly way, then I reciprocrated and puled her closer, and it just got more touchy from there (but not sexual touchy) till we ended up holding hands to leave that romantic place by the river :) Still not sure if I could have kissed her then, but definately trying it tonight when I see her again. Finally coming out of my shell!
How about cryodocumentation parties for cryoprocrastinators where people get encouragement to complete their cryonics documentation in a fun environment? Longencity advertisements and you’ll have yourself a world of productivity. The one cryonics services company that does documentation for you charges over $800 for it! So, you might even make a tidy profit.
Today I asked myself ‘Should I keep a ‘got done’ things list to complement old calendar items and have a record of minor achievements to reference and optimise processes? I later concluded that my email messages to self will be a useful archive of tasks, don’t need a separate list.
Do you think ‘Severitas’ is virtuous? Do you cultivate it yourself?
A guy (‘AP’) said this on fb recently and I thought it was clever! ‘Half of the females at the church I am familiar with read books on child rearing. These females are unmarried and have no suitors. That is all I am going to say about the matter. So many stereotypes could be fulfilled but I am not going to go there.‘. That’s the calibre of wit I expect from the top tiers of famous people I can quote without awkwardly referencing my personal facebook feed. I can think of about 5 stereotypes here. It’s funny, because generating hypotheses with the prompt of ‘stereotypes’ seems to make it easier, but you know...more stereotypical rather than a mutually exclusive comprehensively exhaustive (MECE) set of hypotheses.
The night before last I said I really like spending time with you, and other skirtish things ie that to which her replies would be things like 👍 or thanks. No reciprocation. But she like holding hands, cuddling and kissing. She’s even cool with my messed up sexuality. I haven’t introduced the mental health stuff or losing my virginity at a brothel yet but I wonder how she will take that :P I don’t know that she sees me as boyfriend material...yet
Her not actively reciproting by explicitely saying that she likes spending time with you might simply mean that she’s shy. If she actually likes kissing you, she likely likes you. It doesn’t mean that shes committed to having a relationship with you but that things are going in the right direction.
I don’t even know how I was meant to go from there to ‘netflix and chill’
If you don’t have the social judgement to navigate this with grace and subtlety (and most young people don’t, and many “rationalists” of any age don’t), don’t think about what you’re meant to do, think about finding out what she wants to do. and don’t overthink it or try to guess—admit your lack of knowledge so you can use your alternate skills in analysis, communication, and rationality. Tell her you’re romantically inexperienced and really like her, but that you need help in understanding her pace and wants. If she’s as awkward as you, this will turn into an adorable stammer-and-blushing festival where you end up with whatever level of chill you’re both looking for. If she’s less awkward than you, she’ll let you know what’s OK and what’s not and you’ll get there much more comfortably. If she tells you she doesn’t want that, she just likes watching netflix, well, that’s (probably) ok too.
You want to avoid suggesting that you’re more into her than she is into you. So “we’ve been on one date and now you’re my girlfriend, right?” is usually a bad idea. But “we’ve been on one date and I’d like to go on future dates” is probably okay (if she doesn’t want more dates, it wasn’t going anywhere anyway).
(Massive overgeneralization, of course, and also I’m not qualified to talk about this.)
It depends a lot on local culture. There are cultures that value the demonstration of personal power very much. Other cultures value consent and mutual respect more strongly.
Romance isn’t about making a series of right moves. If both people want the same outcome then it’s not a problem when one of them makes a few bad moves. Romance isn’t antagonistic. Both people have the same goal.
This reminds me of a girl I knew in college. A big part of her payments were made by a dude, in exchange she sent him used socks/underthings, etc. She told me that, without fail, whenever anyone found out about this arrangement they were possessed of a bizarre need to attempt to exploit it even more. Like, she should send him stuff she’d bought in a store and never worn, or she should threaten to expose him and demand more money.
She never did. But I suspect that if she had, it wouldn’t have been as big of a win as mostly free college. Win ++ would have been win --, because if someone’s notion of the payoff matrix for cooperate/cooperate is 5 to you, 0 to them, don’t defect.
Never forget that the subs are in charge. It’s a paradox, but it’s true. There are more ladies willing to live rent free than there are dudes with available property. If you tell him your plan up front he’ll choose another. If you pull a bait and switch it might just not work (you made a “by law” statement, are you a lawyer? If not, run it by them before you do this). If it does work, it is likely that your relationship with dude is now, shall we say… icy? What might he do in this situation? In your model of the future, how many months do you get these rent checks before the state changes, and is that worth whatever the blowback is?
There is the motte/bailey thing here. What specifically does “procrastination” mean? It is a mysterious black box containing many different things. Some of those things are probably helpful, some of them are harmful, some are neutral.
For example “procrastination helps your brain relax”. Well, some activities (done instead of your work) help you relax, but some make you even more tired (mentally). Don’t use thinking about the former as an excuse for doing the latter!
Or the argument that working too hard makes us tired, because it would be better to take a nap. I agree! But if for you “procrastination” is a code word for browsing reddit, maybe that habit is actually contributing to your lack of naps, and maybe even lack of regular sleep.
Want to tell the future? Ask an PhD, unemployed, media-experienced, female, high-self-rated-relevance-of-expertise, right wing, realist, optimist, cognitively-foxy, extremist with integratively complex thought protocols, according to the evidence in Tetlock’s Expert Political Judgement book exerpts tables for: ‘individual difference predictors of calibration of subjective probability forecasts, and variable loadings in rotated factor matrix from maximum likelihood factors analysis (quartimin rototation) of belief systems item’ >wtf does that mean?<
Finally tried some of those invitations: ‘Would you like to kiss me’ got a diplomatic response, which I followed up by stating: I would like to kiss you, to which she said: ‘then do it’, and we did. I have yet to try the permission soliciting way: May/can I kiss you, or the command way: Kiss me or ‘I’m going to kiss you’. I can’t use the same girl twice because it’s about initiatory kisses, a behavioural experiment about rejection :)
Blah, remember that non-effectiveness oriented grant opportunity I mentioned a while ago? Looks like they cap grants at 10k, which isn’t much to work with. Not worth it, just like that superficially attractive funding they give to student groups that are ridiculously easy to start...
What if anything (other than self-limitation) is stopping prison chaplains acting as message mules from organised crime prisoners to their network and subordinates outside of prison? Prison chaplains are frequently volunteers so they could get money that way.
Unilodge is bad for renters but good for business. Holy shit, really bad for renters.
Inspired by this and reports about gender dysphoria, Is there a evidence-based case for plastic surgery as a mental health intervention (irrespective of whether gender dyphoria relevant, or even just general psychological wellbeing)?
Chaplains humanize the dehumanized. I’m motivated for chaplaincy by dehumanizing experiences as a child. I think chaplaincy for children, outside of their immediate family, or structured, brief, formal places like schools which they may be too unempowered to navigate to their school’s chaplain themselves, are the next step in chaplaincy. However, there’s an inherent tension between that utility, and the tendency for clergy to abuse, thereby dehumanising children themselves!
Procrastination doesn’t seem so bad anmore. Is there still room for the pareto principle and doing the ‘most important thing’ first?
On the Gumtree site, at least in Melbourne, many properties have rentals available for far below market price (usually $0) for single females. The ulterior motives are obvious. However, by law, tenants are forbidden from denying their tenants or subtenants their own sub-tenants, but they must be notified in advance. So, a very lucrative option for single females could be to lease these undervalued properties under contract, then sublet lawfully (without sex discrimination...) for a tidy profit. They don’t even have to stick around the creep original lessor.
The night before last night I watched netflix with cute girl on her bed but I don’t even know how I was meant to go from there to ‘netflix and chill’ :( But then last night we hung out then she put her arm around me in a friendly way, then I reciprocrated and puled her closer, and it just got more touchy from there (but not sexual touchy) till we ended up holding hands to leave that romantic place by the river :) Still not sure if I could have kissed her then, but definately trying it tonight when I see her again. Finally coming out of my shell!
How about cryodocumentation parties for cryoprocrastinators where people get encouragement to complete their cryonics documentation in a fun environment? Longencity advertisements and you’ll have yourself a world of productivity. The one cryonics services company that does documentation for you charges over $800 for it! So, you might even make a tidy profit.
Today I asked myself ‘Should I keep a ‘got done’ things list to complement old calendar items and have a record of minor achievements to reference and optimise processes? I later concluded that my email messages to self will be a useful archive of tasks, don’t need a separate list.
motorcycles are 7 times more deadly than cars. No thanks.
Do you think ‘Severitas’ is virtuous? Do you cultivate it yourself?
A guy (‘AP’) said this on fb recently and I thought it was clever! ‘Half of the females at the church I am familiar with read books on child rearing. These females are unmarried and have no suitors. That is all I am going to say about the matter. So many stereotypes could be fulfilled but I am not going to go there.‘. That’s the calibre of wit I expect from the top tiers of famous people I can quote without awkwardly referencing my personal facebook feed. I can think of about 5 stereotypes here. It’s funny, because generating hypotheses with the prompt of ‘stereotypes’ seems to make it easier, but you know...more stereotypical rather than a mutually exclusive comprehensively exhaustive (MECE) set of hypotheses.
If you are with a girl who likes you, focus on enjoying the interaction.
Don’t try to flee into the mindset of running a detached experiment.
The night before last I said I really like spending time with you, and other skirtish things ie that to which her replies would be things like 👍 or thanks. No reciprocation. But she like holding hands, cuddling and kissing. She’s even cool with my messed up sexuality. I haven’t introduced the mental health stuff or losing my virginity at a brothel yet but I wonder how she will take that :P I don’t know that she sees me as boyfriend material...yet
Her not actively reciproting by explicitely saying that she likes spending time with you might simply mean that she’s shy. If she actually likes kissing you, she likely likes you. It doesn’t mean that shes committed to having a relationship with you but that things are going in the right direction.
If you don’t have the social judgement to navigate this with grace and subtlety (and most young people don’t, and many “rationalists” of any age don’t), don’t think about what you’re meant to do, think about finding out what she wants to do. and don’t overthink it or try to guess—admit your lack of knowledge so you can use your alternate skills in analysis, communication, and rationality. Tell her you’re romantically inexperienced and really like her, but that you need help in understanding her pace and wants. If she’s as awkward as you, this will turn into an adorable stammer-and-blushing festival where you end up with whatever level of chill you’re both looking for. If she’s less awkward than you, she’ll let you know what’s OK and what’s not and you’ll get there much more comfortably. If she tells you she doesn’t want that, she just likes watching netflix, well, that’s (probably) ok too.
Isn’t admitting preference for someone the the coup de grace of romance?
Not if she also has a preference for you.
You want to avoid suggesting that you’re more into her than she is into you. So “we’ve been on one date and now you’re my girlfriend, right?” is usually a bad idea. But “we’ve been on one date and I’d like to go on future dates” is probably okay (if she doesn’t want more dates, it wasn’t going anywhere anyway).
(Massive overgeneralization, of course, and also I’m not qualified to talk about this.)
It depends a lot on local culture. There are cultures that value the demonstration of personal power very much. Other cultures value consent and mutual respect more strongly.
Romance isn’t about making a series of right moves. If both people want the same outcome then it’s not a problem when one of them makes a few bad moves. Romance isn’t antagonistic. Both people have the same goal.
“On the Gumtree site,...”
This reminds me of a girl I knew in college. A big part of her payments were made by a dude, in exchange she sent him used socks/underthings, etc. She told me that, without fail, whenever anyone found out about this arrangement they were possessed of a bizarre need to attempt to exploit it even more. Like, she should send him stuff she’d bought in a store and never worn, or she should threaten to expose him and demand more money.
She never did. But I suspect that if she had, it wouldn’t have been as big of a win as mostly free college. Win ++ would have been win --, because if someone’s notion of the payoff matrix for cooperate/cooperate is 5 to you, 0 to them, don’t defect.
Never forget that the subs are in charge. It’s a paradox, but it’s true. There are more ladies willing to live rent free than there are dudes with available property. If you tell him your plan up front he’ll choose another. If you pull a bait and switch it might just not work (you made a “by law” statement, are you a lawyer? If not, run it by them before you do this). If it does work, it is likely that your relationship with dude is now, shall we say… icy? What might he do in this situation? In your model of the future, how many months do you get these rent checks before the state changes, and is that worth whatever the blowback is?
There is the motte/bailey thing here. What specifically does “procrastination” mean? It is a mysterious black box containing many different things. Some of those things are probably helpful, some of them are harmful, some are neutral.
For example “procrastination helps your brain relax”. Well, some activities (done instead of your work) help you relax, but some make you even more tired (mentally). Don’t use thinking about the former as an excuse for doing the latter!
Or the argument that working too hard makes us tired, because it would be better to take a nap. I agree! But if for you “procrastination” is a code word for browsing reddit, maybe that habit is actually contributing to your lack of naps, and maybe even lack of regular sleep.