Remembering the existence of the term ‘compersion’ gives me hope that I may overcome some jealousy I have felt lately :) At the back of my mind I fear the only reason the girl I’m dating is into me is because of transference from her ex boyfriend who’s vibe I apparently give off, convenience since I live close by, and the ‘rebound’ of a recent breakup
Why would you take head of information that doesn’t help you? it’s up to you
Effective Altruist? No, I participate in the effective altruism community because I’m Hindu and needa game the Karma yoga system. Why not outreach to Hindu communities, not just skeptics groups?
Yoga is dangerous. Don’t do it as a substitutde for physical therapy rehabilitation exercises (like for back pain!). > An extensive survey of yoga practitioners in Australia showed that about 20% had suffered some physical injury while practicing yoga. In the previous 12 months 4.6% of the respondents had suffered an injury producing prolonged pain or requiring medical treatment. Headstands, shoulder stands, lotus and half lotus (seated cross-legged position), forward bends, backward bends, and handstands produced the greatest number of injuries.[239]
’Neuropsychological research about the order of events in brain functioning has revealed that emotions precede reason and perception and hence some emotional repsponses and memories may be formed without any conscious thoughts (LeDoux 1998). Therefore, the cofounders of the Human Givens Institute argue that it is the emotional arousal that causes blacka nd white thinking (HGIPRN 2009). It is widely known that evidence-based CBT is underpinned by the premise that the opposite cocurs, that is, thoughts precede emotions. However, arguably, and in line with LeDoux’s (1998) findings, and the APET model which drew upon them, there area great number of things that practioniers may do before challenging faulty thinking, as this may be too taxing to begin with for young people. Order of events in brain functioning
Organ donation registered-only party
Australians can sense the lack of good governance, and minor parties are becoming increasingly popular (among some voters) because none of the major parties (LNP, ALP, Greens) are able to represent those voters. When you think about it, a system of democracy that isn’t able to deal with a diverse votership can’t be that good at the end of the day.
What is the evidence for and against slum clearance?
I recently used Doodle to schedule a meeting. It only let’s you schedule for particular days, whereas need to meet lets you schedule by the hour—way better, instant regret
Anyone remember that monopoly pc game with the nice music?
will rough skateboard grit that scratches your hands when you carry it toughen that even bad?
By repeatedly recounting recent social interactions, identifying emotions, and putting them into perspective, DDP is hypothesized to activate higher-level cortical pathways, thereby strengthening them and remediating deficits in how emotions are processed in the brain. The analogy used is to physical therapy following stroke; physical therapy repeatedly activates motor neuron pathways in the brain, thereby strengthening them and restoring control over muscle functioning and voluntary movement.
‘Tetlock uses a different “functionalist metaphor” to describe his work on how people react to threats to sacred values—and how they take pains to structure situations so as to avoid open or transparent trade-offs involving sacred values.[21][22][23][24] Real-world implications of this claim are explored largely in business-school journals such as the Journal of Consumer Research, California Management Review, and Journal of Consumer Psychology. This research argues that most people recoil from the specter of relativism: the notion that the deepest moral-political values are arbitrary inventions of mere mortals desperately trying to infuse moral meaning into an otherwise meaningless universe.[25][26][27][28] Rather, humans prefer to believe that they have sacred values that provide firm foundations for their moral-political opinions. People can become very punitive “intuitive prosecutors” when they feel sacred values have been seriously violated, going well beyond the range of socially acceptable forms of punishment when given chances to do so covertly’
political psychology or psychological politics?
Tetlock has a long-standing interest in the tensions between political and politicized psychology. He argues that most political psychologists tacitly assume that, relative to political science, psychology is the more basic discipline in their hybrid field.[30][31] In this view, political actors—be they voters or national leaders—are human beings whose behavior should be subject to fundamental psychological laws that cut across cultures and historical periods. Although he too occasionally adopts this reductionist view of political psychology in his work, he has also raised the contrarian possibility in numerous articles and chapters that reductionism sometimes runs in reverse—and that psychological research is often driven by ideological agenda (of which the psychologists often seem to be only partly conscious). Tetlock has advanced variants of this argument in articles on the links between cognitive styles and ideology (the fine line between rigid and principled)[32][33] as well as on the challenges of assessing value-charged concepts like symbolic racism[34] and unconscious bias (is it possible to be a “Bayesian bigot”?).[35][36][37][38] Tetlock has also co-authored papers on the value of ideological diversity in psychological and social science research.[39][40] One consequence of the lack of ideological diversity in high-stakes, soft-science fields is frequent failures of what Tetlock calls turnabout tests.[41][42][43]
Tetlock argues it is virtually impossible to disentangle the factual assumptions that people are making about human beings from the value judgments people are making about end-state goals, such as equality and efficiency.
When Flux is implemented, it will take the form of an app you can access right from your computer or smartphone. You’ll be given a vote on every bill put before Federal Parliament, and can use that vote immediately on the issue at hand, give it to a trusted third party to cast on your behalf, or save it for an issue you care more passionately about later. We seek to dismantle political apathy, by empowering the disenfranchised, and motivating a new generation of innovative Australians to take responsibility for their society. We are excited about a democracy for the information age. One which fosters constructive criticism, encourages innovation, and empowers our best and brightest.
Anyone remember that monopoly pc game with the nice music?
The jazzy music? I played that a lot.
don’t reuse floss
I think most of the answers there imply that one shouldn’t use floss picks (unless you use many per day)? That’s unfortunate.
isn’t the nurturant parent model blatantly the best parenting style, obviously?
Seems to me like it’s the best. But I can imagine being convinced otherwise by data. It also depends on what you’re trying to optimize for. The generally agreed-upon answer to that question has likely changed over time.
Remembering the existence of the term ‘compersion’ gives me hope that I may overcome some jealousy I have felt lately :) At the back of my mind I fear the only reason the girl I’m dating is into me is because of transference from her ex boyfriend who’s vibe I apparently give off, convenience since I live close by, and the ‘rebound’ of a recent breakup
Why would you take head of information that doesn’t help you? it’s up to you
Effective Altruist? No, I participate in the effective altruism community because I’m Hindu and needa game the Karma yoga system. Why not outreach to Hindu communities, not just skeptics groups?
Yoga is dangerous. Don’t do it as a substitutde for physical therapy rehabilitation exercises (like for back pain!). > An extensive survey of yoga practitioners in Australia showed that about 20% had suffered some physical injury while practicing yoga. In the previous 12 months 4.6% of the respondents had suffered an injury producing prolonged pain or requiring medical treatment. Headstands, shoulder stands, lotus and half lotus (seated cross-legged position), forward bends, backward bends, and handstands produced the greatest number of injuries.[239]
[MAXMINCON Principle( outline-maxmincon.html)
’Neuropsychological research about the order of events in brain functioning has revealed that emotions precede reason and perception and hence some emotional repsponses and memories may be formed without any conscious thoughts (LeDoux 1998). Therefore, the cofounders of the Human Givens Institute argue that it is the emotional arousal that causes blacka nd white thinking (HGIPRN 2009). It is widely known that evidence-based CBT is underpinned by the premise that the opposite cocurs, that is, thoughts precede emotions. However, arguably, and in line with LeDoux’s (1998) findings, and the APET model which drew upon them, there area great number of things that practioniers may do before challenging faulty thinking, as this may be too taxing to begin with for young people. Order of events in brain functioning
Organ donation registered-only party
What is the evidence for and against slum clearance?
I recently used Doodle to schedule a meeting. It only let’s you schedule for particular days, whereas need to meet lets you schedule by the hour—way better, instant regret
Anyone remember that monopoly pc game with the nice music?
will rough skateboard grit that scratches your hands when you carry it toughen that even bad?
don’t reuse floss
isn’t the nurturant parent model blatantly the best parenting style, obviously?
heard of dynamic deconstructive therapy for BPD?
My favourite colour combination: blue and beige
song: Röyksopp—Eple
Jay Chou 周杰倫【夜曲 Ye Qu】-Official Music Video
can you explain how neurogenesis-based treatments for depression would a ten year old?
Why can’t I get my receipts sent me to by email, itemised, rather than paper copies. My bank card could carry that detail.
I wish my mum would understand this fact sheet on family violence :’(
Violent virtue:
political psychology or psychological politics?
Why syncretism outperforms ideologies—syncretists are foxes and ideologues are hedgehogs
The jazzy music? I played that a lot.
I think most of the answers there imply that one shouldn’t use floss picks (unless you use many per day)? That’s unfortunate.
Seems to me like it’s the best. But I can imagine being convinced otherwise by data. It also depends on what you’re trying to optimize for. The generally agreed-upon answer to that question has likely changed over time.
edit: fixed formatting