To make it safe, you could probably just pay someone to observe you doing the exercises you chose to do, explain the risks and correct your mistakes. Because sometimes just bending your back can make a big difference in safety. And an expert can tell you immediately whether you are doing it wrong.
Just make it clear you want their opinion on safety, not anything else, lest they design you a new “perfect” system that you won’t follow anyway.
Once you’ve got a method of exercise you actually do, then you should apply some optimization pressure to making it more fun and safe and rewarding.
To make it safe, you could probably just pay someone to observe you doing the exercises you chose to do, explain the risks and correct your mistakes. Because sometimes just bending your back can make a big difference in safety. And an expert can tell you immediately whether you are doing it wrong.
Just make it clear you want their opinion on safety, not anything else, lest they design you a new “perfect” system that you won’t follow anyway.