Consider other possible tradeoffs such as engaging in less leisure activities so you can take a part time job that will pay for cryonics, or saving money by reducing consumption.
These are worthwhile tips and ones I’ve explored. I’ve reduced consumption down to bare minimums already. Most of my time out of work is spent in activities for work as my position requires time spent with the community and networking, but I still look for opportunities on the side. Still, these are useful and assist with either option. Thanks.
Consider other possible tradeoffs such as engaging in less leisure activities so you can take a part time job that will pay for cryonics, or saving money by reducing consumption.
These are worthwhile tips and ones I’ve explored. I’ve reduced consumption down to bare minimums already. Most of my time out of work is spent in activities for work as my position requires time spent with the community and networking, but I still look for opportunities on the side. Still, these are useful and assist with either option. Thanks.