This has low enough karma to feel like a signal of “something here isn’t right”, enough such that I’m not sure if I’d link it to new users who seem in the target demo reference class.
I’m interested in whether downvoters were more thinking something like:
It seems generally sketchy to jump to the assumption that someone has an anxiety problem rather than engaging with it intellectually. (Maybe fair. FYI if you downvoted early for this reason, I’m curious if my reworked edit of the opening sections makes it any better)
Disagreements with the technical answers (maybe thinking it’s premature to list Acausal Normalcy as a reference since it hasn’t been super vetted at this point?)
This has low enough karma to feel like a signal of “something here isn’t right”, enough such that I’m not sure if I’d link it to new users who seem in the target demo reference class.
I’m interested in whether downvoters were more thinking something like:
It seems generally sketchy to jump to the assumption that someone has an anxiety problem rather than engaging with it intellectually. (Maybe fair. FYI if you downvoted early for this reason, I’m curious if my reworked edit of the opening sections makes it any better)
Disagreements with the technical answers (maybe thinking it’s premature to list Acausal Normalcy as a reference since it hasn’t been super vetted at this point?)