Over the last several years, your writing’s become quite a bit more considered, insightful, and worth reading. I fear, though, that the information density has become, if anything, even less than it might have previously been. I really want to “hear” (i.e., read) what you have to say—but just keeping up is a full-time job. (Fyi, this isn’t any damning critique; I’ve had this criticism aimed at me before, too.)
So a plea: do you think you could find a way to say the very worthwhile things you have to say, perhaps more concisely? This is argument—worthwhile argument—not polemic and not poetry. Apply whatever compression algorithm you think appropriate, we’ll manage...
Over the last several years, your writing’s become quite a bit more considered, insightful, and worth reading. I fear, though, that the information density has become, if anything, even less than it might have previously been. I really want to “hear” (i.e., read) what you have to say—but just keeping up is a full-time job. (Fyi, this isn’t any damning critique; I’ve had this criticism aimed at me before, too.)
So a plea: do you think you could find a way to say the very worthwhile things you have to say, perhaps more concisely? This is argument—worthwhile argument—not polemic and not poetry. Apply whatever compression algorithm you think appropriate, we’ll manage...