1000x, the short answer is “the singularity seems pretty plausible, and given how powerful a singularity would be, assuming we get the alignment problem right, I’d think we’d live really, really, really, long lives”. I go into some more detail in https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/AL6jdmpcxESxQTpfQ/is-driving-worth-the-risk, although that post is still very hand-wavy.
$10M is a roughly standard value that the US government uses: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Value_of_life#United_States.
1000x, the short answer is “the singularity seems pretty plausible, and given how powerful a singularity would be, assuming we get the alignment problem right, I’d think we’d live really, really, really, long lives”. I go into some more detail in https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/AL6jdmpcxESxQTpfQ/is-driving-worth-the-risk, although that post is still very hand-wavy.