I wrote a comment here arguing that voting systems tend to encourage conformity. I think this is a way in which the LW voting system could be improved. You might get rid of the unlabeled quality axis and force downvoters to be specific about why they dislike the comment. Maybe readers could specify which weights they want to assign to the remaining axes in order to sort comments.
I think Agree/Disagree is better than True/False, and Understandable/Confusing would be better than Clear/Muddled. Both of these axes are functions of two things (the reader and the comment) rather than just one (the comment) and the existing labels implicitly assume that the person voting on the comment has a better perspective on it than the person who wrote it. I think the opposite is more likely true—speaking personally at least, my votes tend to be less thoughtful than my comments.
Other axis ideas: Constructive/nonconstructive, important/unimportant. Could also try a “thank” react, and an “intriguing” or “interesting” react (probably replacing “surprise”—I like the idea of reinforcing novelty but the word “surprise” seems like too high of a bar?) Maybe also reacts for “this comment should’ve been longer/shorter”?
I wrote a comment here arguing that voting systems tend to encourage conformity. I think this is a way in which the LW voting system could be improved. You might get rid of the unlabeled quality axis and force downvoters to be specific about why they dislike the comment. Maybe readers could specify which weights they want to assign to the remaining axes in order to sort comments.
I think Agree/Disagree is better than True/False, and Understandable/Confusing would be better than Clear/Muddled. Both of these axes are functions of two things (the reader and the comment) rather than just one (the comment) and the existing labels implicitly assume that the person voting on the comment has a better perspective on it than the person who wrote it. I think the opposite is more likely true—speaking personally at least, my votes tend to be less thoughtful than my comments.
Other axis ideas: Constructive/nonconstructive, important/unimportant. Could also try a “thank” react, and an “intriguing” or “interesting” react (probably replacing “surprise”—I like the idea of reinforcing novelty but the word “surprise” seems like too high of a bar?) Maybe also reacts for “this comment should’ve been longer/shorter”?