Once you realize that school is required to be accessible to the 25th percentile of curiosity and cognitive ability, this will bother you less. It’s not there for you, it’s not targeted toward your learning ability. Do your time, get good at learning and exploring OUTSIDE the lesson plans, with the syllabus as only a checklist in case you missed something years ago. Learn to fake paying attention while you read or think about more interesting things—that’s a really useful skill in a whole lot of situations. Find some friends with similar interests and levels of ability, and do directed and un-directed study with them. There are exceptions for particularly great teachers, and for many honors and AP classes—take all of those you can handle.
I’d read 1984 long before it was assigned as part of class, and honestly I’d missed some stuff that class brought up, and found value in some of the study materials (not enough to justify the amount of time spent, but non-zero).
Once you realize that school is required to be accessible to the 25th percentile of curiosity and cognitive ability, this will bother you less. It’s not there for you, it’s not targeted toward your learning ability. Do your time, get good at learning and exploring OUTSIDE the lesson plans, with the syllabus as only a checklist in case you missed something years ago. Learn to fake paying attention while you read or think about more interesting things—that’s a really useful skill in a whole lot of situations. Find some friends with similar interests and levels of ability, and do directed and un-directed study with them. There are exceptions for particularly great teachers, and for many honors and AP classes—take all of those you can handle.
I’d read 1984 long before it was assigned as part of class, and honestly I’d missed some stuff that class brought up, and found value in some of the study materials (not enough to justify the amount of time spent, but non-zero).