That is fantastic! You know you’ve really made it when people devote large amounts of time to explaining why you are unworthy of your level of success.
Exactly. I hope Eliezer isn’t discouraged.
I’m sorta discouraged by what a shoddy hate blog it is.
That hate blog is so bad it is tempting me to start a much better hate blog, if only to defend the reputation of the xkcdsucks community...
That is fantastic! You know you’ve really made it when people devote large amounts of time to explaining why you are unworthy of your level of success.
Exactly. I hope Eliezer isn’t discouraged.
I’m sorta discouraged by what a shoddy hate blog it is.
That hate blog is so bad it is tempting me to start a much better hate blog, if only to defend the reputation of the xkcdsucks community...