I was thinking on the order of a year. Here you can get 4% savings rates with a little bit of trickery, which would be $75 after three months, $320 after a full year.
Even if it’s just $50, those $50 add up over time. And if you’re disciplined to always add more than you take out from savings, the effects of compounding are huge. You’re probably leaving a lot more money on the table than you realize.
I was thinking on the order of a year. Here you can get 4% savings rates with a little bit of trickery, which would be $75 after three months, $320 after a full year.
Even if it’s just $50, those $50 add up over time. And if you’re disciplined to always add more than you take out from savings, the effects of compounding are huge. You’re probably leaving a lot more money on the table than you realize.