Thanks for the detailed write-up. My experience so far is that if I explain this trade in excruciating detail to individual community members, they require more work from me than is involved in establishing a Cayman Islands limited fund before deciding that they don’t have time to read my emails because everything else they are doing has higher expected value, or they say things like “if such an opportunity really existed, mastrblastr would already have lent you seven figures, so why are you talking to me?”
As an aside, you probably do not want to do this trade with AMPL, because it is a rebasing token. The amount of spot you are long will change at the rebase. The amount of perpetual futures you are short will not change. This is bad.
Thanks for the detailed write-up. My experience so far is that if I explain this trade in excruciating detail to individual community members, they require more work from me than is involved in establishing a Cayman Islands limited fund before deciding that they don’t have time to read my emails because everything else they are doing has higher expected value, or they say things like “if such an opportunity really existed, mastrblastr would already have lent you seven figures, so why are you talking to me?”
As an aside, you probably do not want to do this trade with AMPL, because it is a rebasing token. The amount of spot you are long will change at the rebase. The amount of perpetual futures you are short will not change. This is bad.
Same for low liq on the spot leg (had the painful experience recently with tokenized stocks on FTX), you end up loosing a lot of %PA with slippage...