You will get a lot of advice. Much of it you will agree with. What will probably surprise you is the scale of the advice.
Paul Graham talks at some point about knowing that startup success follows a power law, knowing that this meant most of the value of the Y Combinator fund would come from their single best company, and then still was surprised when, what do you know, most of the value in their fund came from their single best company. It wasn’t real until it had actually happened to him. As much as possible, treat the advice that you agree with as if it had already happened to you.
You will get a lot of advice. Much of it you will agree with. What will probably surprise you is the scale of the advice.
Paul Graham talks at some point about knowing that startup success follows a power law, knowing that this meant most of the value of the Y Combinator fund would come from their single best company, and then still was surprised when, what do you know, most of the value in their fund came from their single best company. It wasn’t real until it had actually happened to him. As much as possible, treat the advice that you agree with as if it had already happened to you.