Thanks. I checked your comments and I’d guess you were a programmer with an interest in investments and financial markets. Not areas I’m really familiar with, but I can see the draw of rational thinking within them. What do you think of the site? Just curious.
I am quite young, I am in fact in university studying artificial intelligence and this website did play a bit of a role in me choosing this field of study (I was already quite drawn to it before). I think this site has a too extremist view of AI risk, but it is important to read opinions different from mine. This site is mostly quite interesting if not at the level astral codex 10.
Thanks. I checked your comments and I’d guess you were a programmer with an interest in investments and financial markets. Not areas I’m really familiar with, but I can see the draw of rational thinking within them. What do you think of the site? Just curious.
I am quite young, I am in fact in university studying artificial intelligence and this website did play a bit of a role in me choosing this field of study (I was already quite drawn to it before). I think this site has a too extremist view of AI risk, but it is important to read opinions different from mine. This site is mostly quite interesting if not at the level astral codex 10.