I figured as much. Some of the arguments I’ve seen for enhancement appeal to egalitarian principles, but if the relative differences remain, then this type of consideration may not be that strong. Other arguments are obviously still strong though.
One thing that I find weird about a future where selection for intelligence is consistent generation over generation is that you get a continual decline in relative position. If eventually you get an average gain of 15 IQ points per generations, an IQ that is 1 standard deviation above the mean within one generation will be average in the next generation. The implication of this seems pretty significant? This kind of dynamic seems like it could be pretty destabilizing (though how much of this is simply mood affiliation is an open question, since I myself am in the 115 − 120 range).
I figured as much. Some of the arguments I’ve seen for enhancement appeal to egalitarian principles, but if the relative differences remain, then this type of consideration may not be that strong. Other arguments are obviously still strong though.
One thing that I find weird about a future where selection for intelligence is consistent generation over generation is that you get a continual decline in relative position. If eventually you get an average gain of 15 IQ points per generations, an IQ that is 1 standard deviation above the mean within one generation will be average in the next generation. The implication of this seems pretty significant? This kind of dynamic seems like it could be pretty destabilizing (though how much of this is simply mood affiliation is an open question, since I myself am in the 115 − 120 range).
I can only cross my fingers that we have enough time before AGI for this to become an actual concern.