It’s not my /entire/ intention, as it’s possible to group enough individual unlikely items together to collect enough probability-mass to pass that threshold. But it’s definitely a significant part of it. The classic example seems to be lottery tickets; if the odds of winning a significant prize are roughly 0.5 out of 1 million, then I can gauge that however much time I’ve spent dealing with my death for the next day, it makes sense to spend 1/60th of that amount of time dealing with that ticket—which could easily mean that I wouldn’t even have time to pull out my wallet before my time becomes better spent dealing with near-immediate death instead.
It’s not my /entire/ intention, as it’s possible to group enough individual unlikely items together to collect enough probability-mass to pass that threshold. But it’s definitely a significant part of it. The classic example seems to be lottery tickets; if the odds of winning a significant prize are roughly 0.5 out of 1 million, then I can gauge that however much time I’ve spent dealing with my death for the next day, it makes sense to spend 1/60th of that amount of time dealing with that ticket—which could easily mean that I wouldn’t even have time to pull out my wallet before my time becomes better spent dealing with near-immediate death instead.