Re resources: if you look at how IQ tests work they usually attempt to factor out resources as best they can—no mechanical aids allowed, fixed time, etc. The only “wealth” you are permitted
is what they can’t strip off—education, genes, etc.
I imagine computer tests could be a bit like that—e.g. no net connection allowed, but you don’t get penalised for having a faster CPU. For example, if you look at computer go contests, people get to supply their own hardware—and the idea is to win. You do not get many bonus points for using an Apple II.
Re resources: if you look at how IQ tests work they usually attempt to factor out resources as best they can—no mechanical aids allowed, fixed time, etc. The only “wealth” you are permitted is what they can’t strip off—education, genes, etc.
I imagine computer tests could be a bit like that—e.g. no net connection allowed, but you don’t get penalised for having a faster CPU. For example, if you look at computer go contests, people get to supply their own hardware—and the idea is to win. You do not get many bonus points for using an Apple II.