If we could revive frozen people from the 1800′s, why wouldn’t we?
If you could revive a frozen Genghis Khan, would you? What kind of life would he be able to live, if he were revived today?
Someone from the 1800s would suffer severe culture shock if he or she were revived today. Just think of what they’d have to deal with, from their perspective:
1) A nigger President
2) Sodomites and faggots embracing publicly and actually getting married to each other
3) Parents and teachers forbidden from properly disciplining their children when they aren’t respectful. Which they never are.
4) Ordinary young women dressing—and acting—like whores! Obscenity and shamelessness everywhere!
5) Heathen superstition and atheism replacing good, honest faith in God and the Bible
Chances are, it would look like most of what they found good and righteous in the world is gone. Would you inflict that on someone?
I’m almost certain that if most of these people found out they had cancer and would die unless they got a treatment and (1) with the treatment they would have only a 20% chance of survival, (2) the treatment would be very painful, (3) the treatment would be very expensive, and (4) if the treatment worked they would be unhealthy for the rest of their lives; then almost all of these cryonics rejectors would take the treatment.
I’d turn down the cancer treatment, if my relatives would let me. I certainly wouldn’t pay for it myself. Spend the money on, say, saving people from malaria in Africa—why is my own life that special?
As I said on an earlier cryonics thread, I don’t want the future to contain “me”. I want it to contain something better than “me”. Why resurrect a southern white slave owner from the 1800s and try to re-educate him when you could just have a baby instead?
If we could revive frozen people from the 1800′s, why wouldn’t we?
If you could revive a frozen Genghis Khan, would you? What kind of life would he be able to live, if he were revived today?
Someone from the 1800s would suffer severe culture shock if he or she were revived today. Just think of what they’d have to deal with, from their perspective:
1) A nigger President 2) Sodomites and faggots embracing publicly and actually getting married to each other 3) Parents and teachers forbidden from properly disciplining their children when they aren’t respectful. Which they never are. 4) Ordinary young women dressing—and acting—like whores! Obscenity and shamelessness everywhere! 5) Heathen superstition and atheism replacing good, honest faith in God and the Bible
Chances are, it would look like most of what they found good and righteous in the world is gone. Would you inflict that on someone?
I’m almost certain that if most of these people found out they had cancer and would die unless they got a treatment and (1) with the treatment they would have only a 20% chance of survival, (2) the treatment would be very painful, (3) the treatment would be very expensive, and (4) if the treatment worked they would be unhealthy for the rest of their lives; then almost all of these cryonics rejectors would take the treatment.
I’d turn down the cancer treatment, if my relatives would let me. I certainly wouldn’t pay for it myself. Spend the money on, say, saving people from malaria in Africa—why is my own life that special?
As I said on an earlier cryonics thread, I don’t want the future to contain “me”. I want it to contain something better than “me”. Why resurrect a southern white slave owner from the 1800s and try to re-educate him when you could just have a baby instead?