Not sure what relevance katydee’s potential topics of conversation have on whether the username is a social norm violation (and it isn’t a social norm violation standing on its own—although it does give the impression that the user is female).
The question I see being asked is ” is my current username deceptive or otherwise misleading?” not “is my name a social norm violation?” The two are not fully equivalent questions.
When a person writes from personal experience on a topic closely related to sex/gender, a nome de plume that causes some readers to believe that the author is of the opposite sex/gender can (unintentionally) mislead readers by causing a misevaluation of the conditions that created the personal experiences discussed. On the other hand, if a person is writing about, say, Nash equilibria in game theory, their sex/gender is irrelevant to evaluation of what they are writing and so a mistaken impression of sex/gender is not misleading.
are not equivalent. I interpret the first as asking about norm violations.
When a person writes from personal experience on a topic closely related to sex/gender, a nome de plume that causes some readers to believe that the author is of the opposite sex/gender can (unintentionally) mislead readers by causing a misevaluation of the conditions that created the personal experiences discussed. On the other hand, if a person is writing about, say, Nash equilibria in game theory, their sex/gender is irrelevant to evaluation of what they are writing and so a mistaken impression of sex/gender is not misleading.
I agree that a discussion that doesn’t clarify the gender of the writer is problematic. But the original assertion was that katydee was per se a deceptive username.
The questions . . . are not equivalent. I interpret the first as asking about norm violations.
Yes, but katydee didn’t just ask if it was deceptive, he asked, and I again quote exactly, “is my current username deceptive or otherwise misleading”? Why are you persisting in objecting to me answering a question that katydee asked?
Not sure what relevance katydee’s potential topics of conversation have on whether the username is a social norm violation (and it isn’t a social norm violation standing on its own—although it does give the impression that the user is female).
The question I see being asked is ” is my current username deceptive or otherwise misleading?” not “is my name a social norm violation?” The two are not fully equivalent questions.
When a person writes from personal experience on a topic closely related to sex/gender, a nome de plume that causes some readers to believe that the author is of the opposite sex/gender can (unintentionally) mislead readers by causing a misevaluation of the conditions that created the personal experiences discussed. On the other hand, if a person is writing about, say, Nash equilibria in game theory, their sex/gender is irrelevant to evaluation of what they are writing and so a mistaken impression of sex/gender is not misleading.
The questions
are not equivalent. I interpret the first as asking about norm violations.
I agree that a discussion that doesn’t clarify the gender of the writer is problematic. But the original assertion was that katydee was per se a deceptive username.
Yes, but katydee didn’t just ask if it was deceptive, he asked, and I again quote exactly, “is my current username deceptive or otherwise misleading”? Why are you persisting in objecting to me answering a question that katydee asked?