Basically, because of geometry and the fact that our best theories for how quantum gravity works rely on space being continuous rather than discretely quantized.
There are 3 geometries of the universe, and 2 of them are infinite: flat and hyperbolic. The spherical geometry is finite. Most cosmological evidence suggests we live in the flat universe, which is infinite.
Finally, one of the theories which asserts that space is quantized, loop quantum gravity, has a dealbreaker in that it’s difficult to reproduce general relativity at the areas it’s known to work.
That’s why I believe the universe is infinite, rather than truly large.
Basically, because of geometry and the fact that our best theories for how quantum gravity works rely on space being continuous rather than discretely quantized.
There are 3 geometries of the universe, and 2 of them are infinite: flat and hyperbolic. The spherical geometry is finite. Most cosmological evidence suggests we live in the flat universe, which is infinite.
Finally, one of the theories which asserts that space is quantized, loop quantum gravity, has a dealbreaker in that it’s difficult to reproduce general relativity at the areas it’s known to work.
That’s why I believe the universe is infinite, rather than truly large.
That physical constants support life suggests that, elsewhere, they don’t. On which Tegmark level would you expect this elsewhere to be?