Leechblock’s never worked for me. It prevents me from visiting the sites I normally use to procrastinate, but it doesn’t actually decrease procrastination; it just makes it more tedious and frustrating.
The point of it isn’t exactly to stop you from procrastinating, as I see it. The point of it is to remove specific temptations that you have particular trouble overcoming. You still have to actually decide to do the work, even if you block everything and have to decide to do the work rather than, say, going for a walk or something. (That, and you can use ‘I’ll turn leechblock off when I’ve accomplished X’ as a motivation source, which is pretty useful for me at least.) If you’re not in a mindset like ‘I want to do X, but my habit of doing Y instead is getting in the way of that and annoying me’, it’s probably not going to help much.
Leechblock’s never worked for me. It prevents me from visiting the sites I normally use to procrastinate, but it doesn’t actually decrease procrastination; it just makes it more tedious and frustrating.
The point of it isn’t exactly to stop you from procrastinating, as I see it. The point of it is to remove specific temptations that you have particular trouble overcoming. You still have to actually decide to do the work, even if you block everything and have to decide to do the work rather than, say, going for a walk or something. (That, and you can use ‘I’ll turn leechblock off when I’ve accomplished X’ as a motivation source, which is pretty useful for me at least.) If you’re not in a mindset like ‘I want to do X, but my habit of doing Y instead is getting in the way of that and annoying me’, it’s probably not going to help much.