Alternate direction: focus in on what’s in your mind when you avoid a vegetable. You may be able to discover what’s driving the alief that vegetables aren’t food.
It seems to be exactly the same mechanism that’s involved in not eating banana peels and bugs, as far as I can tell. It’s not that the mechanism itself is broken, it’s that it’s using a non-optimal data set that doesn’t seem inclined to update easily.
(Hmm… maybe the mechanism for updating the dataset is broken, or generating bad metadata—if it has vegetables tagged as ‘technically food, but not good to eat unless there’s a famine’, that could have the observed results...)
Are you medically able to fast? Consuming nothing but water for about, oh, 16 hours (including sleep time) tends to make whatever I eat next taste really good, without triggering nausea based on having discontinued my production of digestive enzymes.
Alternate direction: focus in on what’s in your mind when you avoid a vegetable. You may be able to discover what’s driving the alief that vegetables aren’t food.
It seems to be exactly the same mechanism that’s involved in not eating banana peels and bugs, as far as I can tell. It’s not that the mechanism itself is broken, it’s that it’s using a non-optimal data set that doesn’t seem inclined to update easily.
(Hmm… maybe the mechanism for updating the dataset is broken, or generating bad metadata—if it has vegetables tagged as ‘technically food, but not good to eat unless there’s a famine’, that could have the observed results...)
Are you medically able to fast? Consuming nothing but water for about, oh, 16 hours (including sleep time) tends to make whatever I eat next taste really good, without triggering nausea based on having discontinued my production of digestive enzymes.