Your analysis in this comment looks correct to me. I hadn’t read this comment or this comment until now. My policy of not reading most LW comments is one thing that allows me to get so much other stuff done (there are enough people reading LW comments, not enough people writing research papers), but it does mean that I sometimes miss more informative comments like the ones I just linked to.
I will also say that your analysis in those two comments looks correct to me. Unless given reason to do otherwise, I’ll try to start saying “at SI” but also “at the Singularity Institute.”
I do wish I was able to find an official style guide that made this point clear, though. Do you know of one? I couldn’t find it in the Chicago guide. It’s sort of explained here, though it doesn’t make the detailed claims that you do. I’ve switched my practice mostly because my intuitions agreed with yours when I read your comments, but that could be just status quo bias and me being used to saying “The Singularity Institute” until recently.
Okay. Sorry to have misinterpreted you.
Your analysis in this comment looks correct to me. I hadn’t read this comment or this comment until now. My policy of not reading most LW comments is one thing that allows me to get so much other stuff done (there are enough people reading LW comments, not enough people writing research papers), but it does mean that I sometimes miss more informative comments like the ones I just linked to.
I will also say that your analysis in those two comments looks correct to me. Unless given reason to do otherwise, I’ll try to start saying “at SI” but also “at the Singularity Institute.”
I’ve just made a $50 donation to the Institute in question. That kind of updating speed deserves an equally quick reward.
Now keep an eye on me so you can make sure I’m not just signaling rationality but actually changing my behavior. :)
Oh don’t worry, I will. :-)
I do wish I was able to find an official style guide that made this point clear, though. Do you know of one? I couldn’t find it in the Chicago guide. It’s sort of explained here, though it doesn’t make the detailed claims that you do. I’ve switched my practice mostly because my intuitions agreed with yours when I read your comments, but that could be just status quo bias and me being used to saying “The Singularity Institute” until recently.