If this is true, why continue to engage with them? Why try to convince them with rationality on that same topic where you acknowledge that they are operating as soldiers instead of scouts?
I think the point is that Zack isn’t continuing to engage with them. Indeed, isn’t this post (and the whole series of which it is a part) basically an announcement that the engagement is at an end, and an explanation of why that is?
I’m too dumb to understand whether or not Zack’s post disclaims continued engagement. He continues to respond to proponents of the sort of transideology he writes about so he’s engaging at least that amount. Also just writing all this is a form of engagement.
I think the point is that Zack isn’t continuing to engage with them. Indeed, isn’t this post (and the whole series of which it is a part) basically an announcement that the engagement is at an end, and an explanation of why that is?
I’m too dumb to understand whether or not Zack’s post disclaims continued engagement. He continues to respond to proponents of the sort of transideology he writes about so he’s engaging at least that amount. Also just writing all this is a form of engagement.