You can always come up with exceptions to general rules. Yes, these issues would have to be handled. How they might be handled is not something that strikes me as useful to talk about in the present context, which is concerned with very general and abstract scenarios, and which, in general, are preferable to which others.
Generally speaking, I agree with Swift’s likening of avoiding suffering by cutting off one’s desires to cutting off one’s feet because one lacks shoes.
You can always come up with exceptions to general rules. Yes, these issues would have to be handled. How they might be handled is not something that strikes me as useful to talk about in the present context, which is concerned with very general and abstract scenarios, and which, in general, are preferable to which others.
Generally speaking, I agree with Swift’s likening of avoiding suffering by cutting off one’s desires to cutting off one’s feet because one lacks shoes.
Lovely quote, thank you.