Going to downvote the main post and everyone who replied, as I do for most posts discussing karma. Karma is here for weak feedback and also as a weak anti-troll measure, don’t sweat it, most forum veterans don’t.
If I had a few thousand karma points, I don’t think I would sweat it. As it stands, by karma I am indsitinguishable from a newbie. I suspect I have a few thousand upvote and a few thousand downvote, but I’m not sure. In my opinon, someone with a few thousand upvote and a few thousand downvote is a very different thing than someone with very few votes of any sort, but the current system labels them the same.
Not sure what you mean by this. You have all the posting rights any 10k+ karma user has, short of admins. Presumably you evaluate other forum contributors by the content of their writings, not by the number of karma points.
Going to downvote the main post and everyone who replied, as I do for most posts discussing karma. Karma is here for weak feedback and also as a weak anti-troll measure, don’t sweat it, most forum veterans don’t.
How do you know?
How often is it a forum veteran who makes a post to talk about karma compared to a newbie?
I don’t know, but I would assume I count as a forum veteran. I’m apt to pay attention to my karma, I just have too much dignity to post about it much.
I now realize that shminux might have been talking about behavior rather than (as I assumed) emotional reactions.
If I had a few thousand karma points, I don’t think I would sweat it. As it stands, by karma I am indsitinguishable from a newbie. I suspect I have a few thousand upvote and a few thousand downvote, but I’m not sure. In my opinon, someone with a few thousand upvote and a few thousand downvote is a very different thing than someone with very few votes of any sort, but the current system labels them the same.
Not sure what you mean by this. You have all the posting rights any 10k+ karma user has, short of admins. Presumably you evaluate other forum contributors by the content of their writings, not by the number of karma points.