I am presently employed as a researcher at a major university. Do you know what I’ve worked on in the last year? Do you think anyone on the Internet does?
Well, I don’t know who you are. You could just as well be Debbie Kralik from Flinders University or Juan Perez from the University of Buenos Aires—this is a pseudonymous forum so there’s no way to tell what you’ve worked on, even if you were to claim you were some particular person.
I could give you a link to my website, or the website of any of my colleagues, but you still wouldn’t know what they’re working on at any given time.
In my particular group, the whole group knows in general what everyone’s current project is, but only small subgroups know the particulars of each project, and individual people within a focus might work on something individually for a long while.
So, in my experience, it’d be pretty trivial for me to entirely discard some set of findings I disliked (and this happens a lot for accepted reasons, like “I can’t publish this”), and the Internet doesn’t really change that.
Well, I don’t know who you are. You could just as well be Debbie Kralik from Flinders University or Juan Perez from the University of Buenos Aires—this is a pseudonymous forum so there’s no way to tell what you’ve worked on, even if you were to claim you were some particular person.
I could give you a link to my website, or the website of any of my colleagues, but you still wouldn’t know what they’re working on at any given time.
In my particular group, the whole group knows in general what everyone’s current project is, but only small subgroups know the particulars of each project, and individual people within a focus might work on something individually for a long while.
So, in my experience, it’d be pretty trivial for me to entirely discard some set of findings I disliked (and this happens a lot for accepted reasons, like “I can’t publish this”), and the Internet doesn’t really change that.