The essential idea is that network 1 can be trained on a target pattern, and after training, it will converge to the target when initialized with a partial or distorted version of the target. Wikipedia’s article on Hopfield networks has more.
Both types of networks can be used to predict observables given other observables. Network 1, being totally connected, is slower than network 2. But network 2 has a node which corresponds to no observable thing. It can leave one with the feeling that some question has not been completely answered even though all the observables have known states.
The essential idea is that network 1 can be trained on a target pattern, and after training, it will converge to the target when initialized with a partial or distorted version of the target. Wikipedia’s article on Hopfield networks has more.
Both types of networks can be used to predict observables given other observables. Network 1, being totally connected, is slower than network 2. But network 2 has a node which corresponds to no observable thing. It can leave one with the feeling that some question has not been completely answered even though all the observables have known states.
For Hopfield networks in general, convergence is not guaranteed. See [1] for convergence properties.
[1] J. Bruck, “On the convergence properties of the Hopfield model,” Proc. IEEE, vol. 78, no. 10, pp. 1579–1585, Oct. 1990, doi: 10.1109/5.58341.