How is it that some tiny number of man made mirror life forms would be such a threat to the millions of naturally occurring life forms, but those millions of naturally occurring life forms would not be an absolutely overwhelming symmetrical threat to those few man made mirror forms?
Can’t you ask the same question for any invasive species? Yet invasive species exist. “How is it that some people putting a few Nile perch into Lake Victoria in the 1950s would cause ‘the extinction or near-extinction of several hundred native species’, but the native species of Lake Victoria would not be an absolutely overwhelming symmetrical threat to those Nile perch?”
There are many orders of magnitude between hundreds and millions. Also, perch are near the top of the food chain, while these mirror life forms would be near the bottom.
Can’t you ask the same question for any invasive species? Yet invasive species exist. “How is it that some people putting a few Nile perch into Lake Victoria in the 1950s would cause ‘the extinction or near-extinction of several hundred native species’, but the native species of Lake Victoria would not be an absolutely overwhelming symmetrical threat to those Nile perch?”
There are many orders of magnitude between hundreds and millions. Also, perch are near the top of the food chain, while these mirror life forms would be near the bottom.