My research was in a sense Abbott-like: how a multi-dimensional world would look to someone living in the lower dimensions. It is different from the standard string-theoretical approach of bulk-vs-brain, because it isnon-perturbative. I can certainly go into the details of it, but probably not in this comment.
This looks really interesting, any material you can suggest on the subject? I was a particle physics phenomenologist until last year, so proper introductory academic paper should be ok.
There is also a chance that Hawking radiation will be detected in a laboratory setting from dumb holes or other black-hole analogs.
And this looks very fascinating, too. Thanks a lot for your answers.
This looks really interesting, any material you can suggest on the subject? I was a particle physics phenomenologist until last year, so proper introductory academic paper should be ok.
And this looks very fascinating, too. Thanks a lot for your answers.
One of the original papers, mostly the Killing reduction part. You can probably work your way through the citations to something you find interesting.
Thank you again, it looks like a good starting point.