If you guys care that much, perhaps you should make it worth Eliezer’s time with some monetary commitments: conducting the experiment would require some cognitive overhead, use of time at the end to analyze & write it up, and naturally leads to some of his contributions being fragmented from the rest of his corpus.
EY can easily outsource the analysis, all posts and their karma are public anyway. Making a sock puppet is rather trivial and takes literally less than a minute.
Information might help us optimize newbie experience too, since if it is a new user name, we would get to see what the experience is like for a new poster that makes comments on the same level of quality as Eliezer.
I doubt it would be particularly hard for someone with access to the LW database to magically change ownership of all of the secondary account’s posts.
Wow, so now we are not just making a sock, having Eliezer use it for months and remember to switch a appropriate, having him outsource out analysis to someone who will then have to actually do it, you also want a Trike admin to fiddle with the live database to reassign comments?
If you guys care that much, perhaps you should make it worth Eliezer’s time with some monetary commitments: conducting the experiment would require some cognitive overhead, use of time at the end to analyze & write it up, and naturally leads to some of his contributions being fragmented from the rest of his corpus.
EY can easily outsource the analysis, all posts and their karma are public anyway. Making a sock puppet is rather trivial and takes literally less than a minute.
Information might help us optimize newbie experience too, since if it is a new user name, we would get to see what the experience is like for a new poster that makes comments on the same level of quality as Eliezer.
I doubt it would be particularly hard for someone with access to the LW database to magically change ownership of all of the secondary account’s posts.
Wow, so now we are not just making a sock, having Eliezer use it for months and remember to switch a appropriate, having him outsource out analysis to someone who will then have to actually do it, you also want a Trike admin to fiddle with the live database to reassign comments?
All this, for what, exactly?
That’s beyond the scope of my comment. All I’m saying is that particular problem can be overcome.