You happen to have carved out a small portion of the Internet, a medium that aside from porn is primarily for pirates vs. ninjas debates, and declared it’s for some other purpose. That doesn’t mean you’re allowed to be surprised when pirates vs. ninjas debates happen.
Is he allowed to be surprised when lesswrong porn happens?
Is he allowed to be surprised when lesswrong porn happens?
I think porn itself has somehow managed to stay off Less Wrong long enough to warrant surprise.
But no, it’s not warranted to believe that porn about Less Wrong does not exist. Rule 34.
I’ve joked in the past about writing YudkowskyxBostrom slash fics; I swear to Bayes, if people keep annoyingly discussing LW porn, I will write it!
Please include a threesome with Vassar.
Pass the brain bleach.
I’d write it, but I’m too busy working on that fic where Harry has to marry Draco to save someone from Azkaban.
Corollary to Rule 35. You have to now.
It’s not porn, but did you see Yvain’s drawing?
Thanks, I hadn’t seen that. Though for maximal thread derailment, the image really should’ve appeared right in your comment.