In case this wasn’t done, a physical demonstration of a game like this at first is important, with a concurrent verbal description to tag it for indexing: “Step 1: we do this”, “Step 2: we do this.” Showing beats telling alone. Verbal or written instructions are a low bandwidth form of communication that are better used for tagging/clarification of demonstration data (i.e. naming the steps while you do them) or error-correcting after a demonstration (i.e. people can look stuff up if they get confused).
In case this wasn’t done, a physical demonstration of a game like this at first is important, with a concurrent verbal description to tag it for indexing: “Step 1: we do this”, “Step 2: we do this.” Showing beats telling alone. Verbal or written instructions are a low bandwidth form of communication that are better used for tagging/clarification of demonstration data (i.e. naming the steps while you do them) or error-correcting after a demonstration (i.e. people can look stuff up if they get confused).