If you’re using dating apps and not sure how to write a “good text”, feel free to ask me in a comment or DM. I’ve developed and tested an extremely detailed framework on how to manufacture a good conversation.
Evidence of expertise is that I created https://relationshiphero.com/conversations
Check out my blog about how most startup MVPs (minimum viable products) are overly bloated: bloatedmvp.com
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Less Wrong (text)
Less Wrong (link)
If you’re using dating apps and not sure how to write a “good text”, feel free to ask me in a comment or DM. I’ve developed and tested an extremely detailed framework on how to manufacture a good conversation.
Evidence of expertise is that I created https://relationshiphero.com/conversations
Check out my blog about how most startup MVPs (minimum viable products) are overly bloated: bloatedmvp.com