I don’t know which system specifically you are employing
D&D. (3.5 for the games I usually run, Pathfinder as a secondary diversion, which I also refer to as “D&D”; it’s close enough for the moniker to be accurate.)
[stuff about tradeoffs]
Sure, that’s all true. What I meant was not that there are no tradeoffs to make if you want your character to be effective at both combat and things that aren’t combat. Rather, as I said, there is no tradeoff, in the sense that you do not have make a single choice between being effective in combat and being effective at other things. You can do both. You can do both very effectively, in fact, more than effectively enough to succeed at nearly every challenge you face, and negligibly different in overall effectiveness in either domain from your party mates. You might be a little less effective at combat than the purely-combat-focused character, and a little less effective at (that sort of) non-combat stuff than the purely-non-combat-focused character, but just a little.
Of course, the more you try to do, the less effective you get. But the fact is, there is so much low-hanging fruit in both domains (especially the non-combat domain) that you can sacrifice very little combat effectiveness for large gains in other domains. In fact, you might sacrifice nothing in practice; a lot of what you lose is potential combat effectiveness, which may or may not ever translate into actual combat effectiveness.
Anyway, that’s getting a little far afield. The point is, if someone builds a character who is just really bad at combat, and justifies this by saying “but I’m a suave diplomat!”, my question will be: how hard did you try to make this character combat-effective? Did you even try? Most of the time, it will be the case that a skilled player will be able to build a character that is at least as diplomatically effective, and still good in combat!
Because the even larger question (the one that started this subthread, three posts up) is whether someone should deliberately build a suave, diplomatic character who is bad at combat. My answer is no, they should not, unless being bad at combat is a specific goal. Otherwise, it’s grossly unnecessary. Even if you’re suave, diplomatic, and… acceptably competent in combat, that’s still better. And it’s so easy to make that improvement. So, so easy. There’s no reason not to — again, unless you are specifically and deliberately make a combat-ineffective character. (In which case, as I said before, by all means go forth and play how you like.)
What I meant was not that there are no tradeoffs to make if you want your character to be effective at both combat and things that aren’t combat. Rather, as I said, there is no tradeoff, in the sense that you do not have make a single choice between being effective in combat and being effective at other things.
I don’t understand how this can be true. Clearly, you’ve got to make a choice at some point. You could move that “effectiveness” slider toward combat, or toward non-combat, but you can’t have it both ways, given that you have a limited number of points. I would understand if you said something like, “a 10% loss in combat efficiency is acceptable, given a 50% gain in non-combat efficiency”; is that what you’re saying ?
The point is, if someone builds a character who is just really bad at combat, and justifies this by saying “but I’m a suave diplomat!”, my question will be: how hard did you try to make this character combat-effective? Did you even try? … There’s no reason not to — again, unless you are specifically and deliberately make a combat-ineffective character.
That depends entirely on how you perceive the tradeoffs. Is a 10% drop in diplomatic efficiency worth a 50% gain in combat efficiency to you ?
I don’t understand how this can be true. Clearly, you’ve got to make a choice at some point. You could move that “effectiveness” slider toward combat, or toward non-combat, but you can’t have it both ways, given that you have a limited number of points.
Well, one way it can be true is if there isn’t just a single slider. There could be multiple sliders. (In D&D, for instance, there’s the Skills “slider”, and the Feats “slider”, and the class “slider”, and the spell selection “slider”, and a number of others.) Not every slider trades off between combat and something else. Of those that do, not every one of those trades off at the same exchange rate.
For another thing, “non-combat” is not a monolithic thing (I somewhat regret using the term myself). Neither is combat, of course, but it’s closer to being monolithic; non-combat is just literally “everything that isn’t combat”. Social interactions are non-combat. Travel is non-combat. Information-gathering is non-combat. Exploration is non-combat. Trap detection/disabling is non-combat. And so forth.
I would understand if you said something like, “a 10% loss in combat efficiency is acceptable, given a 50% gain in non-combat efficiency”; is that what you’re saying ?
I don’t think that’s exactly what I was saying, but I would assent to a statement like that one (if not necessarily that specific statement).
That depends entirely on how you perceive the tradeoffs. Is a 10% drop in diplomatic efficiency worth a 50% gain in combat efficiency to you ?
Ok, let me try to concretize.
Consider some hypothetical D&D player, call him Bob, who is quite competent at character-building and knows the game system very well. Bob sets out to build a character who is well-nigh godlike in the diplomatic sphere; this character is to be so good at social skills that he could solve the Arab-Israeli conflict forever with naught but smile and a wink.
In pursuit of this goal, Bob pulls out all the stops, making use of every class feature, skill, feat, spell, in short, every last character-building resource he has, to make the character good at Diplomacy and such things. And he succeeds. Unfortunately...
He has nothing left with which to build in any combat effectiveness. Understandable. And any attempt to add combat effectiveness would subtract some diplomatic effectiveness, because every last ounce of character-building stuff has been used up in the social-prowess optimization.
My contention is that in almost all cases, the player who builds the suave diplomat, but turns out to be useless in combat, is not like Bob. He hasn’t scoured the game system for every ounce of optimization power. He hasn’t used up all available character-building resources in the most efficient possible way. Rather, he’s just gone ahead and picked some social-interaction-boosting skills/feats/whatever, not given much consideration to combat ability (or tried, but poorly and incompetently), and called it a day.
Unlike Bob, who would have to sacrifice some power in his character’s chosen domain for combat effectiveness, the average “I’m going to play a suave diplomat” player could sacrifice nothing, and be much more effective in combat, by just being better at building characters. He just has to recognize which of the options he’s picked are “worse than worthless” — and usually, there are quite a few.
Even in those cases where a tradeoff legitimately needs to be made, it’s generally small. It’s not as large as 10%; it’s often smaller. And the gains are often larger than 50%. If you’re making a 5% sacrifice in one domain for a 100% gain in another, calling this a tradeoff may be technically correct (which we all know is the best kind of correct), but it’s misleading. If both domains in question are useful, then for the purposes of maximizing your overall effectiveness, such a “trade-off” is a no-brainer.
D&D. (3.5 for the games I usually run, Pathfinder as a secondary diversion, which I also refer to as “D&D”; it’s close enough for the moniker to be accurate.)
Sure, that’s all true. What I meant was not that there are no tradeoffs to make if you want your character to be effective at both combat and things that aren’t combat. Rather, as I said, there is no tradeoff, in the sense that you do not have make a single choice between being effective in combat and being effective at other things. You can do both. You can do both very effectively, in fact, more than effectively enough to succeed at nearly every challenge you face, and negligibly different in overall effectiveness in either domain from your party mates. You might be a little less effective at combat than the purely-combat-focused character, and a little less effective at (that sort of) non-combat stuff than the purely-non-combat-focused character, but just a little.
Of course, the more you try to do, the less effective you get. But the fact is, there is so much low-hanging fruit in both domains (especially the non-combat domain) that you can sacrifice very little combat effectiveness for large gains in other domains. In fact, you might sacrifice nothing in practice; a lot of what you lose is potential combat effectiveness, which may or may not ever translate into actual combat effectiveness.
Anyway, that’s getting a little far afield. The point is, if someone builds a character who is just really bad at combat, and justifies this by saying “but I’m a suave diplomat!”, my question will be: how hard did you try to make this character combat-effective? Did you even try? Most of the time, it will be the case that a skilled player will be able to build a character that is at least as diplomatically effective, and still good in combat!
Because the even larger question (the one that started this subthread, three posts up) is whether someone should deliberately build a suave, diplomatic character who is bad at combat. My answer is no, they should not, unless being bad at combat is a specific goal. Otherwise, it’s grossly unnecessary. Even if you’re suave, diplomatic, and… acceptably competent in combat, that’s still better. And it’s so easy to make that improvement. So, so easy. There’s no reason not to — again, unless you are specifically and deliberately make a combat-ineffective character. (In which case, as I said before, by all means go forth and play how you like.)
I don’t understand how this can be true. Clearly, you’ve got to make a choice at some point. You could move that “effectiveness” slider toward combat, or toward non-combat, but you can’t have it both ways, given that you have a limited number of points. I would understand if you said something like, “a 10% loss in combat efficiency is acceptable, given a 50% gain in non-combat efficiency”; is that what you’re saying ?
That depends entirely on how you perceive the tradeoffs. Is a 10% drop in diplomatic efficiency worth a 50% gain in combat efficiency to you ?
Well, one way it can be true is if there isn’t just a single slider. There could be multiple sliders. (In D&D, for instance, there’s the Skills “slider”, and the Feats “slider”, and the class “slider”, and the spell selection “slider”, and a number of others.) Not every slider trades off between combat and something else. Of those that do, not every one of those trades off at the same exchange rate.
For another thing, “non-combat” is not a monolithic thing (I somewhat regret using the term myself). Neither is combat, of course, but it’s closer to being monolithic; non-combat is just literally “everything that isn’t combat”. Social interactions are non-combat. Travel is non-combat. Information-gathering is non-combat. Exploration is non-combat. Trap detection/disabling is non-combat. And so forth.
I don’t think that’s exactly what I was saying, but I would assent to a statement like that one (if not necessarily that specific statement).
Ok, let me try to concretize.
Consider some hypothetical D&D player, call him Bob, who is quite competent at character-building and knows the game system very well. Bob sets out to build a character who is well-nigh godlike in the diplomatic sphere; this character is to be so good at social skills that he could solve the Arab-Israeli conflict forever with naught but smile and a wink.
In pursuit of this goal, Bob pulls out all the stops, making use of every class feature, skill, feat, spell, in short, every last character-building resource he has, to make the character good at Diplomacy and such things. And he succeeds. Unfortunately...
He has nothing left with which to build in any combat effectiveness. Understandable. And any attempt to add combat effectiveness would subtract some diplomatic effectiveness, because every last ounce of character-building stuff has been used up in the social-prowess optimization.
My contention is that in almost all cases, the player who builds the suave diplomat, but turns out to be useless in combat, is not like Bob. He hasn’t scoured the game system for every ounce of optimization power. He hasn’t used up all available character-building resources in the most efficient possible way. Rather, he’s just gone ahead and picked some social-interaction-boosting skills/feats/whatever, not given much consideration to combat ability (or tried, but poorly and incompetently), and called it a day.
Unlike Bob, who would have to sacrifice some power in his character’s chosen domain for combat effectiveness, the average “I’m going to play a suave diplomat” player could sacrifice nothing, and be much more effective in combat, by just being better at building characters. He just has to recognize which of the options he’s picked are “worse than worthless” — and usually, there are quite a few.
Even in those cases where a tradeoff legitimately needs to be made, it’s generally small. It’s not as large as 10%; it’s often smaller. And the gains are often larger than 50%. If you’re making a 5% sacrifice in one domain for a 100% gain in another, calling this a tradeoff may be technically correct (which we all know is the best kind of correct), but it’s misleading. If both domains in question are useful, then for the purposes of maximizing your overall effectiveness, such a “trade-off” is a no-brainer.