Eh. I tend to agree with CronoDAS. Not that he’s objectively right that one is better off escaping from the world rather than dealing with it, but that his utility function is really screwed up by most people’s standards, and that “correcting” it is extremely difficult. It’s not at all simply a matter of self-limiting beliefs. In my case, at least, it’s a matter of a great deal of adverse conditioning that took place when I was raised, and maybe a bit of bad genes. It’s a matter of accurate assessments about the world being more emotionally disturbing to me than for most people, at a level more basic than that of beliefs.
Eh. I tend to agree with CronoDAS. Not that he’s objectively right that one is better off escaping from the world rather than dealing with it, but that his utility function is really screwed up by most people’s standards, and that “correcting” it is extremely difficult. It’s not at all simply a matter of self-limiting beliefs. In my case, at least, it’s a matter of a great deal of adverse conditioning that took place when I was raised, and maybe a bit of bad genes. It’s a matter of accurate assessments about the world being more emotionally disturbing to me than for most people, at a level more basic than that of beliefs.
More here.
(Note that I’m doing better recently, finally having found some meds with a decently strong placebo effect.)